“Racism is not only my problem. It can affect all of us.”

İsmet Büyük, from the play “Die Lücke” [“The Gap”] at Schauspiel Köln

The Tribunal

To this day we are far from the promised “complete explanation” of the NSU Complex. Initiatives and individuals working in solidarity with those targeted by the series of murders and attacks by the NSU developed the idea of a tribunal to fill this gap. In the context of the Tribunal, the NSU is conceived as the crystallization of structural racism. The Tribunal is a space to call out racism as a society. The testimonies of the victims and their families are the focal point. Their stories need to be heard and understood.

We are calling out all of the protagonists of the NSU Complex and the institutional frameworks they are embedded in.We are lamenting the victims of racist violence and the suffering caused by it. We are calling for an open society of the many cultivated through migration.

June 3 – 5, 2022, Tribunal “Unraveling the NSU Complex”: “Acknowledge. Elucidate. Change.”, Nuremberg

All information on the Tribunal in Nuremberg is now available online in German, Turkish and English:

German: www.nsu-tribunal.de/nuernberg

Turkish: https://www.nsu-tribunal.de/tr/nuernberg/

English: https://www.nsu-tribunal.de/en/nuernberg/