• Why a tribunal in Nuremberg? "If the court is honest, it will also still say that gaps remained. As long as these gaps remain, my family and I cannot sleep peacefully." More

    NSU-Komplex auflösen!

    Wenn das Gericht ehrlich ist, wird es auch noch sagen, dass Lücken geblieben sind. Solange diese Lücken bleiben, können meine Familie und ich nicht ruhig schlafen“, mit diesen Worten kommentierte Gamze Kubaşık das Urteil im NSU-Prozess im Juli 2018 in München. Das Urteil war für viele Angehörige der Mordopfer und Überlebende der Anschläge ein Schlag ins Gesicht. Die unermüdlichen Versuche der Nebenkläger*innen, die Unterstützung der Täter*innen durch lokale rechte Netzwerke sowie die staatliche Verstrickung in den NSU-Komplex aufzudecken, blieben im Urteil unberücksichtigt. Das Gericht stützte die unhaltbare Trio-These und ließ zentrale Fragen offen.

    Warum noch ein Tribunal?

    Wir sagen “Kein Schlussstrich!” und fordern Antworten.

    Die Tribunale in Köln 2017, Mannheim 2018 und Chemnitz 2019 stellten sich solidarisch an die Seite der Betroffenen. Sie klagten die verantwortlichen Institutionen wie Polizei und Verfassungsschutz sowie Einzelpersonen an. Sie machten deutlich, dass die Taten von einem neonazistischen Netzwerk mit lokalen Unterstützer*innen verübt worden sind. Sie benannten die rassistische Berichterstattung zahlreicher Medien wie auch die nach allen Morden rassistisch geführten Ermittlungen der Polizei als zentrale Bestandteile des NSU-Komplexes. Die Tribunale verwiesen auf strukturelle Rassismen und Antisemitismus als Ermöglichungsbedingungen von rechtem Terror. Heute, vier Jahre nach dem Ende des NSU-Prozesses, nach den Anschlägen am OEZ in München im Juli 2016, in Halle im Oktober 2019 und in Hanau im Februar 2020 sind wir davon überzeugt: Anklagen reicht nicht mehr. Wir fordern Veränderungen!

    Warum ein Tribunal „NSU-Komplex auflösen“ in Bayern?

    Enver Şimşek, Abdurrahim Özüdoğru, Habil Kılıç, İsmail Yaşar, Theodoros Boulgarides – fünf der zehn Opfer des NSU wurden in Bayern ermordet. Der Anschlag des NSU auf die Pilsbar Sonnenschein, bei dem Mehmet O. schwer verletzt wurde, fand in Nürnberg statt. Lokale rechte Netzwerke, ohne deren Unterstützung die Taten nicht denkbar sind, bestehen bis heute fort und hatten bislang keine Strafverfolgung zu befürchten. Die rassistischen polizeilichen Ermittlungen, die dazu beitrugen, dass die Täter*innen über Jahre hinweg unbehelligt morden konnten, wurden in Bayern koordiniert. Die rassistische Medienberichterstattung über die NSU-Morde wurde von der Nürnberger Zeitung wesentlich geprägt. Viele der noch offenen Fragen sammeln sich in Bayern.

    Die Auseinandersetzungen um den NSU-Komplex haben den Blick für die Kontinuitäten rechten, rassistischen und antisemitischen Terrors geschärft. Allein in Bayern wurden über 70 Morde verübt.

    #say their names

    Wir klagen um

    Edward Hartshorne, Paul Kirsch, Andreas Ostermeier, Regina Rivka Becher, Max Meir Blum, Rosa Drucker, Leopold Arie Leib Gimpel, David Jakubowicz, Siegfried Offenbacher, Georg Eljakim Pfau, Moshe Weinberg, Yossef Romano, David Berger, Ze’ev Friedman, Yossef Gutfreund, Eliezer Halfin, Kehat Schor, Amitzur Schapira, Mark Slavin, Andrei Spitzer, Yakov Springer, Anka Denisov, Gabriele Deutsch, Robert Gmeinwieser, Axel Hirsch, Markus Hölzl, Paul Lux, Ignatz Platzer, Ilona Platzer, Franz Schiele, Angela Schüttrigkeit, Errol Vere-Hodge, Ernst Vestner, Beate Werner, Shlomo Lewin, Frida Poeschke, William Schenck, Rufus Surles, Mohamed Ehap, Corinna Tartarotti, Osman Can, Fatma Can, Mehmet Can, Jürgen Hübener, Rafael Blumenstock, der fünfjährige Ercan, Klaus Peter Beer, Carlos Fernando, Enver Şimşek, Abdurrahim Özüdoğru, Habil Kılıç, İsmail Yaşar, Theodoros Boulgarides, Bishim D., Elheme D., Gentia D., Daniela Peyerl, Karl-Heinz Lietz, Horst Zillenbiller, Ruth Zillenbiller, Zygmunt R., Andreas Pietrzak, Peter Siebert, Konstantin Moljanov, Franziska O., Roman Z., Armela Segashi, Sabina Sulaj, Can Leyla, Selçuk Kılıç, Janos Roberto Rafael, Hüseyin Dayıcık, Giuliano Josef Kollmann, Dijamant Zabërgja, Sevda Dağ, Daniel Ernst

    und alle weiteren Opfer.

    Öffentliches Erinnern und Gedenken an die Opfer gibt es bislang kaum. 40 Jahre hat es gedauert, bis das Oktoberfestattentat offiziell als rechtsterroristischer Anschlag anerkannt wurde. 40 Jahre sind vergangen, bis für die Opfer in München ein Erinnerungsort geschaffen wurde, der die Erfahrungen und Perspektiven der Überlebenden und Angehörigen zum Ausgangspunkt nimmt. Einige von ihnen haben dies bereits seit 1981 gefordert und kontinuierlich dafür gekämpft.

    Am 22. Juli 2016 – während der NSU-Prozess in München lief – erschoss ein extrem rechter Täter in München neun Menschen am Olympia-Einkaufszentrum (OEZ): Armela Segashi, Sabina Sulaj, Can Leyla, Selçuk Kılıç, Janos Roberto Rafael, Hüseyin Dayıcık, Giuliano Kollmann, Dijamant Zabërgja, Sevda Dağ. Angestoßen von Angehörigen brauchte es einen drei Jahre andauernden Kampf, bis der anfängliche Sprachgebrauch des „Amoklaufs“ verändert und die Tat als extrem rechts anerkannt wurde. Das Vorgehen des Täters wie auch das Handeln der Polizei zeigen erschreckende Parallelen zu dem, was drei Jahre später in Halle und kurz darauf in Hanau passierte. Im öffentlichen Bewusstsein ist der Anschlag am OEZ bislang nicht als rassistischer, antimuslimischer sowie gadjé-rassistischer Terroranschlag verankert. Wieder bleiben die Angehörigen mit ihrer Trauer und Wut sowie mit ihren Forderungen allein.

    In vielen Orten erinnert nichts an die Menschen, die von extrem rechten Täter*innen ermordet wurden. Manche der Taten sind bis heute nicht offiziell anerkannt. Das Tribunal „NSU-Komplex auflösen“ will das Ausmaß, die Kontinuitäten und Folgen rechten, rassistischen und antisemitischen Terrors in Bayern sichtbar machen. Wir gedenken der Opfer und sind solidarisch mit den Angehörigen, Freund*innen sowie den Überlebenden.

    Anerkennen. Aufklären. Verändern.

    Nach der Selbstenttarnung des NSU wurden innerhalb von vier Jahren bei Anschlägen in München, Kassel, Halle und Hanau 22 Menschen ermordet. Außerdem bedrohte der NSU 2.0 Anwält*innen, Politiker*innen, Künstler*innen und Journalist*innen.

    Schluss mit leeren Versprechungen, Verharmlosungen und Entpolitisierungen der Taten. Es muss sich endlich etwas ändern.

    Beim Tribunal „NSU-Komplex auflösen“ in Nürnberg stehen Forderungen nach Veränderung im Zentrum. Wir wollen diese in ihrer Vielfalt und Stärke zeigen und sie gemeinsam in die Öffentlichkeit tragen.

    Machen wir die Gesellschaft der Vielen und Kämpfe um Selbstbehauptung und Erinnerung gemeinsam unübersehbar! Kein nächstes Opfer! Durchbrechen wir die Kontinuitäten rechten Terrors!


    Informieren und spenden: <a href=’https://www.betterplace.org/de/projects/108355-tribunal-nsu-komplex-aufloesen-anerkennen-aufklaeren-veraendern’ target=’_blank’>„Tribunal „NSU-Komplex auflösen“: Anerkennen. Aufklären. Verändern.“</a> auf betterplace.org öffnen.

    >>> Donate now for the next Tribunal “Unravelling the NSU Complex” in Nuremberg <<<

    We are happy for any financial benefits to our association, thereby enabling us to continue our work. Our supporting association Internationale Filmtage der Menschenrechte e.V. is recognised as charitable/non-profit organisation.

    Charitable contributions are tax-deductible in Germany. If a receipt is needed, please make sure to include your address on the bank transfer form.

    Internationale Filmtage der Menschenrechte e.V.,
    IBAN: DE81 4306 0967 8205 8424 00 / BIC: GENODEM1GLS
    GLS Bank, Betreff Reference: NSU-Tribunal
    V.i.S.d.P. Internationale Filmtage der Menschenrechte e.V., Königstr. 93, 90402 Nürnberg


    The initiative „Unravelling the NSU Complex“ would not have been possible without the dedication and commitment of all the wonderful humans that have invested countless hours to keep the movement alive and rolling: planning; debating; performing; accounting; crowdfunding; financing; marketing; writing; filming; photographing; documenting; networking; supporting; remembering; researching; organising – and much more. A big THANK YOU goes out to every single one of you.

    We thank our sponsors and cooperations partners:



    Our special thanks go to:

    DIDF Nürnberg
    LUISE – the cultfactory
    Kulturladen Villa Leon
    Künstlerhaus Nürnberg
    Falken Nürnberg
    Desi Nürnberg
    Heizhaus / Quellkollektiv e.V.

  • Program Click here for the program of the Tribunal NSU-Komplex auflösen in Nuremberg More

    Here is the actural program to the Tribunal “Unravel the NSU Complex!” 3-5 June 2022 in Nuremberg:

    from 15:30 Registration in the Staatstheater

    17:00-19:00 Opening - TRBNL Goes Nürnberg

    We start decentral at three different places in the community:

    • DIDF (Wiesenstraße 86, 90459 Nürnberg)
    • Villa Leon (Philipp-Koerber-Weg 1, 90439 Nürnberg)
    • Luise – The Cultfactory (Scharrerstrasse 15, 90478 Nürnberg)

    At all three places, we collectively grieve the victims of right-wing violence in Bavaria, and together with Tribunalistas of the previous tribunals, attempt to break the continuities of right-wing terror. Bavaria, especially Nuremberg, must take responsibility for enabling racist violence. This includes acknowledging the perspectives of the survivors, their struggles and the day-to-day realities of their lives. Afterwards, we will celebrate the society of the many with live music so that it cannot be overseen.


    Afterwards we will carry a particular perspective into the Tribunal from each of the three locations:

    DIDF: Migrant, post-migrant and black struggles in Bavaria!

    Groups based in Nuremberg, such as DIDF and ISD, outline how they do concrete anti-racist work, stand in solidarity against the shift to the right, and defend and celebrate post-migrant realities!

    with Ali Sahverdi (Activist Radio-Z), Akim Gubara (Black Community Foundation Nürnberg), Eylem Gün (DIDF Nürnberg)
    Moderation: Thuy Nguyen (WIR-Initiative)
    Music: Laila Mahmoud

    Languages: Deutsch, Türkçe


    Villa Leon: Fights for residency and equal rights for all!

    Those affected by various intersectional forms of discrimination talk about recognition and the equitable shaping of society! With self-assertion and solidarity, they dare to ask how we can combine our various struggles in solidarity.

    with Radoslav Ganev-Romanity e.V., Filimon Mebrhatom, Elshaday Haile (Imedana e.V.), Farzaneh Ezati (Imedana e.V.)
    Moderation: Paulino Miguel-

    Languages: Deutsch, 


    Luise – The Cultfactory: No closure Bavaria!

    Many people have been murdered in Bavaria as a result of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic terror. Since 2000 alone, 14 people have died in Nuremberg and Munich. We talk about how together with those affected we can obtain answers to the pending issues.

    with Kutlu Yurtseven, Bernd Kasparek (Wissenschaftler & Aktivist), Patrycja Kowalska (Kein Schlussstrich Kampagne), Daniel Schmidt (Tribunal NSU-Komplex auflösen), Arno Lang (Luise)
    Music: Kutlu Yurtseven (Microphone Mafia)

    Languages: Deutsch


    20:00-21:45 Plenum - Forecourt

    Occupation: Claim the Space

    We come together, collectively bringing our demands into the middle of the city and filling Nuremberg with our presence. We become visible, appropriate spaces and shape them in the spirit of the Tribunal. We create spaces of mutual support and solidarity.

    Space of Demands / Activision: In a live performance we will together create a space that connects our struggles and makes our demands visible.

    Staatstheater: Vorplatz, Schauspiel

    20:30–21:30 Film Programme

    Blank spaces – Remembering and Forgetting in Nuremberg

    Tiefenschärfe (Depth of Field) reads the markings of the locations in Nuremberg where the so-called NSU committed three murders between 2000 and 2005. As a formal element, the fathomless nature of the deeds repeatedly throws the horizontal axis of the picture out of sync.

    Weißer Fleck (“White Spot”) examines the so-called “Russenwiese” (Russian field) on the outskirts of Nuremberg. The forest clearing is particularly popular with dog owners and walkers. There is nothing on site which alludes to its past as the site of a WWII “work education camp”.

    Staatstheater Nürnberg: Kammerspiele

    10:00-12:00 Workshops

    Right-Wing Violence in Bavaria – History, Topicality, and Counter Strategies

    Right-wing violence has a long history in Bavaria. Its dimensions, however, are hardly known to the dominant groups of society. Politics, media, and law enforcement authorities have repeatedly downplayed or ignored right-wing violence and the underlying ideologies of inequality. Victims have frequently been turned into perpetrators. The panel will address the history and presence of right-wing, racist, and antisemitic violence in Bavaria and its effects. We also want to discuss the experiences and prospects of resistance and practices of solidarity against right-wing terror and its social entrenchment.

    with Heike Kleffner (VBRG), Hamado Dipama (AGABY, Netzwerk Rassismus- und Diskriminierungsfreies Bayern), Robert Andreasch (Author, a.i.d.a.), Jonas Miller (Journalist)
    Moderation: Caro Keller (NSU-Watch)

    10:00-12:00, Staatstheater, Languages: Deutsch

    Workshop Mani-Fest

    Artists talk with the choreographers Kassandra Wedel and Rosalie Wanka. How can political dances be created? What do the individual movements in the performance stand for? We will discuss these questions and also dance together.

    with Kassandra Wedel, Rosalie Wanka

    10:00-12:00, Staatstheater, Languages: Deutsch, 

    Social Rights for All! Struggles against racism in the ‘welfare state’.

    Whether child benefits, basic security or social housing: access to social benefits is often systematically impeded for migrants. In this workshop, self-organized initiatives will report on their everyday struggles against structural racism in the German welfare state. We will exchange experiences, develop demands and look for new alliances.

    with Netzwerk Europa in Bewegung, Arbeitslosenselbsthilfe Oldenburg e.V., BASTA! Erwerbsloseninitiative Berlin, Initiative Zivilcourage München, Sinti Kultur und Bildungsverein Ingolstadt e.V.

    10:00-12:00, Staatstheater, Languages: Deutsch, English

    Critical Walk: Racist Terror in Nuremberg

    The attack on the discotheque Twenty Five in 1982 with 3 deaths is marginalized in public discourse. The same applies to the bomb attack on the pub Sonnenschein in 1999 by the NSU with one seriously injured victim. The ignorance testifies to a lack of awareness of the continuity of right-wing terror and favours deficient elucidation. We will visit crime and memorial sites, discuss local remembrance and demand complete elucidation.

    with antifascist initiative Das Schweigen durchbrechen!

    10:00-12:00, Languages: Deutsch, Türkçe
    Start: in front of the glass annex, Künstlerhaus, Königstr. 93

    „FORUM“: Open discussion – showing solidarity, perspectives, strategies!

    We invite relatives, affected persons and solidarity initiatives to come together. The common exchange strengthens us in our perspectives, our strategies and our resistance. We want to follow up on the “Forum” at the Tribunal 2017 in Cologne, exchange ideas and get to know each other and bring our demands to the Tribunal.

    with Bahar Ericok, Mouctar Bah, Selim Ay

    10:00-12:00, Staatstheater, Languages: Deutsch, Türkçe

    12:00-13:30 Break

    13:30-15:30 Workshops


    Solidary Trial Support for Those Affected by Racist Violence

    Cologne in January 2022 – a CDU politician who shot at a teenager in December 2019 was sentenced to prison without probation for grievous bodily harm, among other things. The racist reason of the offender aggravated the sentence. The initiative Tatort Porz supported the person affected by this criminal offence from the beginning, who also appeared as joint plaintiff in court. We want to share this experience and discuss the possibilities of successful trial support.

    with Initiative Tatort Porz

    13:30-15:30, Staatstheater, Languages: Deutsch

    How Can Commemoration Remain Critical? Networking Workshop for Commemoration Initiatives

    In various places, initiatives or individual activists try to remember victims of right-wing violence and to commemorate those who were murdered. In this workshop we wish to create a space for networking and discussion. Among other things, we want to handle the following questions: How can victims and other affected people become the starting point for commemoration, even if little is known about them or there is no contact to them or surviving dependants? How can commemoration remain critical and promote public remembrance and commemoration, but counteract co-optation by municipal or state actors? What forms of action are there beyond anniversaries? And finally, what can joint forms of action look like? How can new connections be created?

    with Erinnerungsgruppe München, Initiative Kritisches Gedenken Erlangen

    13:30-15:30, Staatstheater, Languages: Deutsch

    Political education work – what next?

    This two-hour workshop aims to create a space for networking and exchange between people working in political education. We want to focus on if and how we can achieve our political goals with educational work? Is educational work just a means to an end? What does it mean to us? What are our political demands as initiatives, associations or groups? In which ways do we try to participate through political education work and how can we succeed in the long term? In the course of our workshop we want to discuss all of these questions, exchange experiences and learn from one another.

    with Bildungsinitiative Ferhat Unvar

    13:30-15:30, Staatstheater, Languages: Deutsch

    Critical Walk: Racist Continuities in Nuremberg

    A guided tour through the city centre: colonial racism, racist laws during the National Socialist Era, NSU complex and racist investigations, everyday racist police controls. Information and intervention at various stations in Nuremberg’s city centre.

    with ISD Nürnberg, interventionistische linke Nürnberg, Nürnberg Postkolonial ­ TH Nürnberg

    13:30-15:30, kick-off: in front of Staatstheater, Languages: Deutsch

    Digital Memorial #telltheirstories, part 1

    #telltheirstories is a digital memorial for the lives of the murdered victims of right-wing violence and terror in Germany since the reunification. Initially designed by the artist Ülkü Süngün, developed as a prototype with the collectives CodeRat and Zoff as well as Fides Schopp, it can only be completed collectively with initiatives, families and friends of victims and supporters. The goal is to establish a nationwide network and the visibility of marginalized biographies as part of non-hegemonic historical narratives.

    The concept of #telltheirstories, as well as database functions and possibilities of use will be presented and following questions will be discussed together in the follow-up discussion: Which terms will be used, which information should be included in the database, who decides about it? What support structure for the website going online on 3.10.22 will fullfill requirements of a collective and inclusive memorial? In group work, existing information on victims can be incorporated into the database on-site.

    With thanks to Opferperspektive e.V. and the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. Prototype production funding: Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg, Kulturamt Stuttgart.

    with #telltheirstories Kollektiv / Joscha Kükenshöner (CodeRat), Laura Maikowski (Zoff), Ülkü Süngün

    13:30-15:30, Künstlerhaus: Seminarraum, Languages: Deutsch, Türkçe, English

    KollektivNaiv: A Collective Quest for Questions

    KollektivNaiv is an artist collective. In changing constellations of people, they work on topics, that are fascinating to them. Naive in this context means being unbiased and open minded. This workshop gives a small insight to the artistic methods and workflow (posing questions, types of research, collective work, finding a form) which the group uses, to then immediately apply them together naively and collectively to the questions, that arise in the context of the NSU tribunal.

    with KollektivNaiv – Josephine Leicht, Senta Hirscheider, Christopher Mau

    13:30-15:30, DIDIF, Languages: Deutsch

    15:30-16:00 Break

    16:00-18:15 Plenum - Large Hall


    Systematic Elucidation! That remains the demand of those affected by right-wing terrorist attacks. Investigation of the crimes, but also explanation of the crimes. The grief, anger and demands of many survivors are still not heard enough. Here there will be space for this – a space for demands and exchange of ideas. Speakers include: Gamze Kubaşık and Semiya Şimşek; Mehmet O., who was seriously injured in the NSU attack on his Pilsbar Sonnenschein in Nuremberg; and victims of the attack on the Olympia Shopping Centre (OEZ) in Munich. This attack is still described as a killing spree, although it was a right-wing and racist act of terrorism.

    with Mehmet O., Semiya Şimşek, Gamze Kubaşık, Hasan Leyla, Sibel Leyla, Mollie Sharfman, İsmet Tekin, Hayrettin Saraçoğlu
    Moderation: Sevda Can Arslan, Birgit Mair, Ali Şirin, Nabila Abdel Aziz, Esther Dischereit, Patrycja Kowalska

    Staatstheater Nürnberg: Schauspiel / Kammerspiele (live screening), 
    Languages: Deutsch, Türkçe, English, 

    18:15-19:45 Break

    19:4522:00 Plenum - Large Hall


    We move forward demandingly! With our demands we break through the state of terror and division and create the solidary society of the many. We bring together demands, discuss how far they have been realized, and make the struggles for change visible.

    with Ni Una Menos Nürnberg, Burak Bektaş Initiative, Bündnis gegen das Vergessen Amberg, Bildungsinitiative Ferhat Unvar, Ali Şirin, Engin Sanli, Kassandra Wedel, Hyemi Jo, Paulino Miguel, Douglas Hauer, Initiative 19. Februar Hanau, Ülkü Süngün, Hasan Leyla, Sibel Leyla, Jörg Buschmann

    Staatstheater Nürnberg: Schauspiel / Kammerspiele (live screening), 
    Languages: Deutsch, Türkçe, English, 

    22:00-22:15 Plenum - Forecourt

    Practice Mani-Fest

    Together we want to take the demands to the streets, out of the theatre, into society – with sign poetry. Based on Latin American resistance struggles, a Mani fest will be created! We will use our bodies as mouthpieces and practice the flashmob for Sunday together with the performance artists Kassandra Wedel and Rosalie Wanka.

    with Kassandra Wedel, Rosalie Wanka

    in front of Staatstheater Nürnberg 

    22:00 “Dispersione” – Party

    with Gelati Radio, Desi PG

    Desi Nürnberg

    10:30-12:30 Workshops

    Deaf Struggles

    see German page.

    with Hyemi Jo, Ngoc Mai Nguyen

    10:30-12:30 Uhr, Staatstheater, Languages: Deutsch, 

    FOR US! Networking for the long-term support of those affected by the OEZ attack

    Armela, Can, Dijamant, Giuliano, Hüseyin, Roberto, Sabina, Selçuk and Sevda were taken from us on 22.7.2016 during the attack at the OEZ in Munich. Since then, we the relatives and survivors fight for elucidationtion, recognition of the act as right-wing terror and memory of our loved ones. For almost 6 years we have been alone – with few exceptions. We finally want solidary support of the civil society. Come to our workshop so that we can fight together in the future. Right-wing terror concerns us all!

    with Sibel Leyla, Hasan Leyla

    10:30-12:30, Staatstheater, Languages: Deutsch

    Street festival against racism and discrimination – for a better coexistence

    For the past 7 years, the street festival has been held annually by a broad alliance at Aufseßplatz. The idea: remember the people who were murdered by the NSU, make the solidarity clear and take it to the streets. That is why the festival takes place every year around the anniversary of the deaths of İsmail Yaşar and Abdurrahim Özüdoǧru in the south of Nuremberg. Many different groups put their differences in the background and emphasize what connects them: the fight for a city free of racism and discrimination, in which peaceful coexistence and solidarity is possible. This has created a unique festival that is about content, not profit.

    The workshop is held by Junge Stimme e.V., the group that initiated the festival.

    10:30-12:30, Staatstheater, Languages: Deutsch

    Workshop Digitales Mahnmal #telltheirstories, Teil 2

    with #telltheirstories Kollektiv, Joscha Kükenshöner (CodeRat), Laura Maikowski (Zoff), Ülkü Süngün

    10:30-12:30, Künstlerhaus: Seminarraum, Languages: Deutsch, Türkçe, English

    Film Screening

    “The Long Way of the Sinti and Roma”

    D 2022, 45 min, language: German, director: Adrian Oeser

    Jùlie Halilic is proud when she thinks of her grandfather. Wallani Georg, together with other civil rights activists, fought for the recognition of the mass murder of the Sinti and Roma as genocide in 1982. It began with an occupation of the Dachau concentration camp memorial. A film about history that is not over, about a time that continues to have an effect today.

    „No Forgetting – 22.07.2016“

    D 2021, language: German, 30 min., by and with students from Mittelschule Schleißheimer Straße, Gymnasium Moosach, Mittelschule Walliser Straße, Lion-Feuchtwanger-Gymnasium, Sophie-Scholl-Gymnasium and performers from Bellevue di Monaco. Idea and concept: Christine Umpfenbach and Denijen Pauljević.

    On the 5th anniversary of the terrorist attack at the Olympia shopping centre in Munich, students from five Munich schools dealt with the attack, discrimination, racism and right-wing violence, supported by artists.

    with particpating students (to be confirmed)

    10:30-12:30 Uhr, Künstlerhaus: Filmhauskino Nürnberg

    12:30-13:00 Break


    13:00-15:00 Parade


    In a grand finale, we bring our demands to the streets and squares of Nuremberg. We have learned to use our bodies as a mouthpiece and we will take the public space. We will move to places where institutional racism often goes unchallenged and create new spaces of empathy and solidarity with our flash mob. Mani-fest is not a one-off intervention, but rather a preview of a better future.

    Kick off: Staatstheater Nürnberg: Schauspiel 


    Supporting Program

    Anike Joyce Sadiq: Flags for “Visited by a Tiger”

    Schematic representations of a hand on three flags in the garden of the Art Foundation: outstretched, fingers placed over the thumb or clenched into a fist. With her project Flags for “Visited by a Tiger”, Anike Joyce Sadiq refers to her video work of the same name. Based on conversations with the African-American psychologist Dr. Lula M. Drewes, who lives in Berlin, the work deals with the hand as a model of the brain and tries to put neurobiological processes into a social context through this symbolisation.

    3.-5.6.2022, Opernhaus Nürnberg


    Exhibition “The Victims of the NSU and Coming to Terms with the Crimes”

    The exhibition “The Victims of the NSU and Coming to Terms with the Crimes” was created in 2012 and 2013 by Birgit Mair on behalf of the Institute for Social Science Research, Education and Consulting (ISFBB) e.V. and was shown more than two hundred times nationwide between 2013 and 2020. The expanded and updated form includes 27 panels and has been available since March 2021.

    3.-5.6.2022, Richard-Wagner-Platz Eshter-Bejarano-Platz 1


    Film Installation „This Makes Me Want to Predict the Past”

    Austria 2019, 16 min, German version, Directed by: Cana Bilir-Meier

    Shot on Super 8, Cana Bilir-Meier’s film portrays a group of migrant teenagers at the Olympia Shopping Center in Munich, where nine young people were killed in a racist attack in 2016. Beside their daily explorations, the teenagers restage scenes from the theater play Düşler Ülkesi (Land of Dreams) by Erman Okay. The premiere of the play in 1982 was overshadowed by a bomb threat. The contradiction in the film title of wanting to predict the past is a reference to the continuous experience of racism, but can also be read as a playful suggestion to break out of habitual patterns of thought and behavior—conveyed in the film through YouTube comments on Childish Gambino’s song Redbone.

    3.-5.6.2022, Künstlerhaus: window projection at kiosk 93, Künstlerhaus

    Exhibition We Will Not Forget -The Portraits of the NSU Victims.

    The photos of the NSU murder victims from family albums were first found in police files and racist news. Only through hard struggles of the relatives and their allies do victims of racism get proper attention. Because victims of racism take the writing of history into their own hands. The history of the many.

    The portraits were created by artist Veronika Dimke on behalf of the initiative Keupstraße is everywhere and many donors make it possible to give them to the relatives of the murdered at the end of the exhibition.

    9.5. -5.6.2022, Rote Galerie Nürnberg, Kobergerstraße 57-59, 90408 Nürnberg

    Here you find the program bocklet (pdf) and the addresses to the venues (pdf).

  • Registration - Downloads - Information Registration, tickets, downloads and information for the Tribunal NSU-Komplex auflösen in Nuremberg

    Registration and tickets

    Tickets for the Tribunal NSU-Komplex auflösen from 03.06-05.06.2022 can be purchased now at the following link:

    Registration and ticket sale

    In any case, please register if you want to come to the Tribunal!

    Information on site

    An information point is located at the main venue (Staatstheater). There you also get information about child care, cafes and restaurants. You will also find information concerning meals on Saturday on site.

    Further information:

    Here you can find the program booklet, poster and stickers as pdf for download and redistribution:

    You can also download the venues (pdf).

    Staatstheater Nürnberg
    Richard-Wagner-Platz 2-10
    Esther-Bejarano-Platz 1
    90443 Nürnberg

    Junge Stimme e.V.
    Wiesenstr. 86
    90459 Nürnberg

    Villa Leon
    Philipp-Koerber-Weg 1
    90439 Nürnberg

    Luise – The Cult Factory
    Scharrerstrasse 15
    90478 Nürnberg

    Seminarraum, Filmhauskino,
    kiosk 93
    Königstr. 93
    90402 Nürnberg

    DESI Stadtteilzentrum e.V.
    Brückenstraße 23
    90419 Nürnberg

    All information on the Tribunal in Nuremberg is now available online in German, Turkish and English:

    German: www.nsu-tribunal.de/nuernberg/
    English: https://www.nsu-tribunal.de/en/nuernberg/
    Turkish: https://www.nsu-tribunal.de/tr/nuernberg/

    Twitter: twitter.com/nsu_tribunal #TRBNL
    Instagram: instagram.com/nsu_tribunal/
    Facebook: facebook.com/nsutribunal/
    Youtube: www.youtube.com/NSUTribunal

    Simultaneous translation will be available for the evening events in Schauspiel in German, English, Turkish, and German Sign Language. Tune in to the translations via radio. You can either use your mobile phones (don’t forget to bring headphones!) or radio devices that can be picked up near the entrance. Please check translation availability of your preferred language for individual workshops. Available translations are marked in this programme. During the workshops we will use different translation technologies which will be provided on site.

    By attending the event, you agree to photo, audio, and film recordings during the event, which will be used for documenting the event as well as for dissemination on social media channels.
    In addition, you agree to these photo, audio, and/or film recordings being used for further aims such as subsequent print publications. Places in which you will not be recorded will be marked accordingly.

    According to § 6 VersG / Art. 10 Bay-VersG the event operators reserve the right to make use of their householder rights, refusing to admit or excluding persons from the event that are members of right-wing extremist parties or organisations, are associated with the right-wing extremist scene or have in the past made their mark with racist, nationalist, anti-Semitic, anti-feminist or any other type of contemptuous statement or deeds.

    PRESS RELEASE (German) (pdf)

    Press contact: media@nsu-tribunal.de

    Please note our ethical guidelines for news coverage of the Tribunal “Unravelling NSU Complex”, as well as the glossary made available by the Neue Deutsche Medienmacher: https://glossar.neuemedienmacher.de. Please note kindly that not all parts of the event’s premises are designated for filming and photographing.

    Ethical Guidelines for News Coverage on the Tribunal „Unravelling NSU Complex“

    § 1 Preamble
    (1) News coverage is not an end in itself. It is meant as a means to our goals, which are hereby object to our accordance and to which we feel committed.
    (2) Those affected by the NSU terror and the consequences of the NSU complex as a whole have a right to be recognised respectfully in public. They are to be perceived as individual persons with differing mind sets. They are thus supposed to be subjects of reporting, not its objects alone. Their individual wishes, their wellbeing, as well as their personal safety are of highest priority within reporting and news coverage.
    § 2 Goals
    (1) Our news coverage is meant to place knowledge of individuals with migration or  transgenerational migrant experience in the centre of public perception, thus effecting a sensitization of the public sphere for all forms of racism.
    (2) Reporting on the event should be aiming on informing the public about the Tribunal and its output. This includes critical perspectives and points of view.
    (3) Coverage should, if possible, also aim on reporting about the manifold reactions by wider public regarding the Tribunal and its outcomes.
    § 3 Rules
    (1) Nobody should appear on camera without explicit or implicit consent.
    (2) Nobody should be urged or persuaded to consent.
    (3) Explicit consent should be requested post hoc, if necessary.
    (4) When using recorded material, cutting and editing we will seek to produce a realistic picture of the events
    § 4 Utilisation, processing, passing on, and disposition
    (1) Standards as imposed in §§ 1, 2 and 3 also apply for utilisation and processing of footage produced during the Tribunal, as well as in its context.
    (2) Standards as quoted above should also be considered concerning passing on and disposition of footage.
    (3) Further information concerning limits and possibilities of utilising, proceeding, passing on, and disposition of footage and recordings can be requested by the Tribunal’s organisational team.

  • Information for deaf people There will be German sign language interpretation.

    Plesase check the German page for further information for deaf people (Informationen für Gehörlose/Taube): https://www.nsu-tribunal.de/nuernberg/