“The worst was the quiet, silent bomb that no one heard except those targeted by it.”

Meral Şahin, Businesswoman and Chairperson of IG Keupstrasse, Cologne
  • Donations Help make the Tribunal possible with your donations! More

    Help make the Tribunal possible with your donations!

    Fast and simple with this donation form:

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    Informieren und spenden: „NSU-Komplex auflösen || TRIBUNAL || NSU-Kompleksi dağıtılsın“ auf betterplace.org öffnen.

    Or donate directly via bank transfer:

    Recipient: Lückenlos e.V.
    IBAN: DE19430609674108589900
    GLS Bank

    Our association is an accredited non-profit organization, donation receipts are tax deductible.

    Name of association: Lückenlos e.V.
    Association number: VR 18959, Amtsgericht Köln
    Contact: Lückenlos e.V. c/o Allerweltshaus, Körnerstr. 77-79, 50823 Cologne

  • Materials Here you can find materials and flyers to download More

    Here you can find materials and flyers to download.

    Order and distribute our materials and flyers in your city/at your event! Write to koeln [at] nsu-tribunal.de!

  • Sign the call I CALL OUT… More

    I MOURN…
    … the victims of the NSU murder series and attacks.

    I LAMENT …
    … in outrage the lack of systematic investigation into the murders.

    … the racist violence in Germany and the perpetrators of this violence.

    … a better life for all people.

    Calling out racism is the first step to overcoming it.

    I call out with my name:

    • (Address will not be published)
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Initial list of signatories:

    Juliane Karakayali, Berlin, Professorin, evangelische Hochschule Berlin
    Elke Moltrecht, Köln, Akademie der Künste der Welt
    Ekaterina Degot, Köln, Künstlerische Leiterin, Akademie der Künste der Welt
    Ralf Mueller von der Haegen, Berlin, Geschäftsführer, FLMH Labor für Politik und Kommunikation GmbH
    Esther Dischereit, Berlin, Schriftstellerin
    Manuel Vogel, Jena, Hochschullehrer, Universität Jena
    Rebecca Wandke, Berlin
    Kai Kloss, Lübeck, Aktionshunger
    Janna Frenzel, Berlin
    A. Hesse, Berlin
    Friederike Wolf, Hamburg, Aufstehen gegen Rassismus Hamburg
    Hannah Peaceman, Jena
    Maria Fichte, Köln, Sozialraumkoordination Mülheim-Nord / Keupstraße, CSH Köln e.V.
    Juliane Hartnack, Berlin
    Piroska Heinecke, Hamburg
    Jana Cattien, London, SOAS, University of London
    Roman Hanig, Berlin
    beate maria wörz, Berlin, Bildende Künstlerin|Unterstützerin Bürgerin dieses Landes
    H. P. Hellermann, Tübingen
    Silke Betscher, Bremen, Lektorin, Institut für Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaften, Universität Bremen
    Mascha Rohner, Berlin, Die Gottesanbeterin – KungFu-Schule Berlin e.V.
    Bengü Kocatürk-Schuster, Gummersbach
    Rebecca Oehms, Hamburg
    Martina Groß, Berlin, Autorin
    Vanessa Höse, Köln
    Anastasia Paschalidou, Frankfurt am Main, Referentin Politische Bildung
    Tuğçe Özgenç, Köln
    Sandra Vacca, Köln, La Talpa e. V.
    Lena Scholle, Lüneburg
    Stefan Schönfelder, Dresden, Weiterdenken, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen
    Florian Schleking, Köln
    Christian Obermüller, Berlin, spot_the_silence
    ralf hotanen, lübeck
    schickSAAL*e.V., lübeck, hostelprojekt
    freie hütte e.V., lübeck, hausprojekt
    Birgit Sacher, Göttingen, Geschäftsführerin d. Integrationsrates Göttingen
    Verena Limper, Köln
    Sonja Brinschwitz, Hamburg
    Charlotte Bänsch, Berlin
    doris schneider, hh
    Rona Torenz, Initiative für die Aufklärung des Mordes an Burak Betaş, Berlin
    Barbara Glatz, Berlin
    George Kaplan, Kampagne Blackbox Verfassungsschutz, Berlin
    Noelle O’Brien-Coker, Redakteurin/Journalistin, Köln
    Bernd Steets, Autor, München
    Jonas Lang, Coach e.V., Köln
    Anna Lebedev*a, Künstler*in, Leipzig/Bukarest
    D.haufe, Studentin FU, Berlin
    Martina Poljak, wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Berlin
    Christin Ihlefeldt, Autorin, Berlin
    Sigrid Grollmuss, Aktivist, Köln
    ebru taşdemir, Journalistin, Berlin
    Birgit zur Nieden, Berlin
    bahar ericok, Therapeutin, Berlin
    Sophie Groß, Berlin
    Elisabeth Probst, Bochum
    Michaela Bockstegers, Mülheim an der Ruhr
    Andreas Bohl, München
    Gerd Bauder, Musiker (last of the humanists), Hamburg
    Regina Stötzel, Journalistin, Berlin
    Cantürk Kiran, Student, Berlin
    Matthias Reichelt, Kulturjournalist, Berlin
    Sibylle Clauditz, München
    Hilkje Kempka, Kulturwissenschaftlerin, Theaterschaffende, Hannover
    Eugen Bergmann, Bürger, Berlin
    Tine Waskönig, Kauffrau, Berlin
    Christina Harles, Berlin
    Simon Glass, Köln
    Cordula Kropke, Hamburg
    Martin Umbach, München
    Marten Flegel, Jena
    Britta Beuel, Flüchtlingshelferin, Lilienthal
    Bianca Strauch-Freytag, Designer, Hamburg
    Elisabeth Rind-Schmidt, Bernried
    Frank Großkinski, Berlin
    Nina Liebhaber, München
    Matthias Galle, Mitgründer der Initiative “Pogrom 91”, Berlin
    Susann Thiel, Berlin
    Anna-Katharina Pelkner, Berlin
    Eva-Isabel Brosch, Berlin
    AKuBiZ e.V., Pirna
    Brigitte Ponstein-Schmidt, Berlin
    armin chodzinski, last of the humanists, Hamburg
    Ch. Busse, Berlin
    Armin Mikosch, Frankfurt/Main
    Natalie Bayer, Kuratorin/Wissenschaftlerin, Münchner Stadtmuseum
    Siebo M. H. Janssen, Politikwissenschaftler/Historiker-Dozent, Bonn
    Hans Schlimbach, Gartow
    Malin Kuhnt, BiLan Bildungsinitiative Lernen aus dem NSU, Kassel
    ellen kleine, Nideggen
    Gabriele Mo Loschelder, Berlin
    Saskia Willich, Universität der Künste, Berlin
    Maria Diedrich, Mannheim
    Thomas Frenzel, Berlin
    Markus Mohr, Hartz-IV-Delinquent, Berlin
    Susanne Lummerding, Wien
    Gabriele Mejias, Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin, Berlin
    Susanne Clasen, Hamburg
    Gudrun Pelkner, Darmstadt
    Oliver Fassing, Frankfurt
    Frank Döhmann, Stellvertretender Rektor, Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
    Kathalena Essers, Münster
    W12, Hausprojekt, Köln
    BiLan – Bildungsinitiative Lernen aus dem NSU, Bildung gegen Rechts, bundesweit
    Miriam Lügering, Hamburg
    Alexander Herold, BiLan – Bildungsinitiative Lernen aus dem NSU, Offenbach am Main
    Brigitte Saur, Berlin
    [das schweigen durchbrechen], antifaschistische initiative, Nürnberg
    Jonas Lendl, Nürnberg
    Jeannette Crone, Frau, Berlin
    Alexander Hoffmann, Nebenklagevertreter, Kiel
    Berenice Brüggemann, Berlin
    Stephan Kuhn, Rechtsanwalt, Frankfurt
    Berthold Fresenius, Nebenklagevertreter, Frankfurt
    Heike Nowotnik, Künstlerin, Berlin
    Christina Clemm, Rechtsanwältin, Berlin
    Dr. Björn Elberling, Nebenklagevertreter, Kiel
    Thorsten Endlein, Bildungsreferent, kopfstand e.V. Bildungskollektiv, Kaufungen
    Jörg Heuer, Berlin
    thorsten kühn, Zürich
    Kathrin Horstmann, kopfstand e.V. Bildungskollektiv, Kaufungen, Kassel
    Beate Rieple, Bonn
    Bündnis gegen Rassismus, Berlin
    mehmet desde, menschenrechtler/ Amnesty Türkei Gruppe, Berlin
    Hüseyin Gül, Aufruf Für Eine Neue Welt/Yeni Dünya İçin Çağrı, Zeitung, Istanbul
    John Malamatinas, Beyond Europe, freier Autor, Köln/Brüssel/Thessaloniki
    Britt Weyde, Redakteurin/ila, Köln
    Sigrid Becker-Wirth, Bonn
    kein mensch ist illegal, Köln
    Michael Tunç, Vorstandsmitglied/ Bundesweites Netzwerk Männlichkeiten, Migration und Mehrfachzugehörigkeiten e.V., Bergisch Gladbach
    Laura Held, Königswinter
    *andere zustände ermöglichen, Berlin
    Frauke Büttner, Politologin, Berlin
    Christian, Köln
    Trotz alledem! Zeitschrift, Hamburg
    Rainer Grün, Ratsherr der Stadt Duisburg, Vorsitzender der Duisburger Alternativen Liste DAL
    Michaela Reinhart, Mensch, Varel
    Michael Becker, Jena
    Claudia Schmidt, Kreisvorsitzende Die Linke, Stein-Neukirch, Westerwald
    Frank Hermes, Komba Gewerkschaft, Wermelskirchen
    Margarethe Ritz-Lesske, SartaArtista, Ried-Brig/CH, Münster/BRD
    Anne Huken, Heinsberg
    Konstanze Spät, Bremen
    Dr. Claudia Wallner, freiberufliche Referentin und Autorin zu Geschlechterdemokratie, Münster
    Julia Janscó, Frankfurt/M.
    Mirjana Jandik, Bonn
    Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat, München
    Steffen Liebig, Jena
    Werner Felber, Personalratsvorsitzender im Ruhestand, Großaitingen
    Michael Binz, Köln
    Christina Pe, Mensch, Berlin
    Maike Tödter, Hamburg
    Cana Bilir-Meier, Filmemacherin, Kuratorin, Pädagogin, Wien/München/Istanbul
    Anna McCarthy, München
    Christian Drzewieyki, Berlin
    Die Backstube Bäckereikollektiv, Berlin
    Stattpark OLGA, Wagenplatz, München
    Dresden Postkolonial
    Wiebke Buth, Sprecherin der Amnesty International Gruppe Minden
    Monika Hilz, Leiterin Theater deaf 5, Köln
    Anna Neubauer, Dresden
    andreas morgenstern, drucker, München
    Frank Gerfelder-Jung, ver.di Erwerbslosenausschuss Südhessen, Darmstadt
    uwedarius, ver.di, Nürnberg
    Ulrike Winkelmann, Hamburg
    Olivia Scharf, Amnesty International Hochschulgruppe München
    Laurenz Nurk, ver.di-Mitglied, gewerkschaftsforum-do.de, Dortmund
    Olivia Scharf, Amnesty International Hochschulgruppe München

    Jonas Langreuter


    Meike Mayer


    Nina Gbur


    Amnesty International Themengruppe Antirassismus


    Julian Mader


    Dorothee Baumann


    Hartmut Reiners

    Netzwerk gegen Diskriminierung 'ADBS für NRW!'


    Tobias Linnemann

    Bildungsreferent Bildungswerkstatt Migration & Gesellschaft


    Karl-August Binnewitt


    Nicola Kunst


    Carmen Stanek

    Attac Fellbach


    Jana Kemper


    Stefan Lehmann


    Chris Beckers


    Regina Prade


    Eduardo Fernandez-Tenllado Ramminger



    Alice Harrison


    Ursula Allerdings


    Ulrike Gay

    mpz e.V.


    Anna Vorwerg


    Feser Christiane

    Frankfurt am main

    Hodan Farah


    Marie Wilke



    ARRiVATi *


    Martin Schulte


    S. Geara


    Kemal Bozay

    Fachhochschule Dortmund


    Andrea Heescher


    Daniel Knippertz


    Bettina Lösch


    Anne Neumann


    Monika Nitsch



    Charlie Kaufhold


    Ursula Meisel


    Anne-Mignon Doré


    Marcia B.


    Ingeborg Steinmann-Berns


    Ömer Alkin


    Alexander Schenkel



    Annita Kalpaka

    Professorin, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg


    mariam soufi



    Jennifer Struhkamp

    Initiative für die Aufklärung des Mordes an Burak Betaş


    Katrin Amelang


    Annegret Siptroth


    Lilian Haberer

    Vertretungsprofessorin für Kunst im medialen Kontext


    Johannes Schubert


    Theresa Frei


    Georg Wissmeier


    roots of compassion eG



    Rainer Peters


    Katharina Sander


    Nora Schmitz


    Britta Hartmann

    Professorin, Institut für Sprach-, Medien- und Musikwissenschaft, Universität Bonn


    Antonia Vedder


    Joschka Mroz

    Grüne Bremen Universität Bremen


    elisabeth lenzen


    Cem Kaya



    S. Henkel


    Lübecker Flüchtlingsforum e.V.

    Lübecker Flüchtlingsforum e.V.


    Solizentrum Lübeck

    Solizentrum Lübeck


    Ethel Strugalla



    t Ungerer


    Sofia Tahmasebi


    Cicletta Club



    Robin Hopf


    Deniz Valder


    Martin Mauritz



    Deniz Sinirlioglu


    Clara Stach


    Thomas Krause



    Elvin Valiev



    Antje Dr. Meurers



    Hannelore Lederer


    Anja Pichl


    Klaus Maurer


    Andreas Doms


    Offenbach am Main

    Natalie Gravenor


    Ulrike Nefferdorf



    Thomas Thiel


    Anemari Karacic


    Dorothee Plass


    Maria Sagué


    Norbert Renner


    Fee Linke


    Julia Schneider


    Sabrina Seppi


    Mülheim Ruhr

    José Zamorano


    MoNica Di Sarno

    Referentin des Intersektionalen Black_PoC Feministischen Archivs Marburg


    Susanne Maree


    Nele Kontzi



    Axel Kühnlenz

    Wiss. Mitarbeiter

    Frankfurt a.M.

    Bambey Doris

    Frankfurt am Main

    ickert alexa


    josje schroot

    bildende Künstlerin


    Miriam Lütje


    Neri Orman


    Cafer Kocadag



    Obermeier Maximilian Helmut



    Mustafa Akpolat



    Aysun Doğmuş



    Timea Zankl

    SPÖ Wien


    Mikosch Horn


    Philipp Figge


    Elena Stranges


    Anna Lerch


    Lars Klaus Aßhauer


    Josephine Schmitt


    Rempe Hanna


    Esen Yahya Kemal

    CEO - esenpix


    Kurt-Reinhardt Schmidtke


    Bad Endbach

    Jan Geisler



    Rüdiger Tresselt



    Martin Leidinger

    Africab Roots e.V.


    Ilja Lange

    Bad Liebenzell

    Wolfgang Nordmann

    Pfarrer iR. AkAsyl geislingen

    Bad überkingen

    Selim Molla



    Isabella Starke


    Isabella Starke


    Silke U. Winkler


    Mascha Liening


    Katharina Greff

    Bitte wählen


    Sven Fischer


  • J'accuse!
    Nous accousons! Phrase your accusation More

    We include texts of accusation by various individuals and groups in our call who have formulated their respective perspectives on the NSU-Complex and racism. We are documenting them here and they will be included in the Tribunal’s accusation.

    [efaccordion id=”01″]
    [efitems title=”Accusation by ‘Jalta – Positions on the Jewish Present‘” text=”Nous accusons – We accuse
    We accuse, stand in solidarity, refuse and resist as members of the post-migrant society, as Jews in Germany, as editor kollektive of the magazine Jalta – Positions on the Jewish Present.We indict the acts of the NSU.
    We indict the refusal of the German authorities to clarify and resolve the crimes. We indict the racist treatment of the victims and members during investigations and beyond. We indict the society with its deeply rooted racism, and we indict its indifference. We indict how the racist background and motivation of the murder series have been made to disappear . We indict how those affected and hurt by racism have been made invisible. We indict the racism inside the Jewish community in Germany.
    We stand in solidarity with victims of the NSU and their relatives, with those affected and hurt by racism, with all people who are working to change present-day society, with those who are shaping the society of many.
    As Jews in Germany we are often awarded the power to define, as long as we stick to our appointed roles and hold up the established narrative: in remembrance of the Shoah, as prosecutors of anti-Semitism (as long as it’s not that of the ‘German’ society), as pugnacious Jews who the liberal German society can embellish itself.
    We refuse to accept and play by these rules.
    The white, German majority society projects and imposes images of what it means to be us. We oppose and struggle against this foreign control that tries to prevent us from deciding and determining our own position as political activists. Ourselves. We oppose and struggle against the competition of victims that that weighs up racism against anti-Semitism. This competition is put to us but likewise exists within the Jewish community. We won’t allow one minority to be pitted against another.
    Instead we stand ready as allies with those affected and hurt, marginalized groups and all others who stand in solidarity.
    Instead we experiment with new ways of how we can position ourselves in solidarity.
    Instead we are opening up spaces for conflicts conducted in a different manner.
    Instead we are looking for new alliances.
    You can get in touch with us at jalta@neofelis.de.
    Micha Brumlik, Max Czollek, Marina Chernivsky, Hannah Peaceman, Anna Schapiro, Lea Wohl von Haselberg
    Lea Wohl von Haselberg and Hannah Peaceman are offering a workshop on “The NSU and Anti-Semitism – an analysis of media and solidarity” during the NSU Tribunal in Cologne.”]

    [efitems title=”Accusation by the initiative Keupstraße is everywhere” text=”Nous accusons – we accuse
    We accuse those who contributed to creating a nationalist mood in the 90’s, those who made young people believe they would serve the ‘German Volk’ by committing racist acts of terror.
    We accuse those who did not see caring for the victims as a priority, and who, under the cover of carrying out necessary investigations, let loose a wave of investigative terror on the victims, on the back of the wave of racist terror attacks. Without cause they knowingly and intentionally caused the victims and their relatives wounds in addition to those inflicted by the NSU-terror.
    We accuse those who resist against making public the institutionalised racism of their agency, as they are resisting what would massively contribute to push back racism in our country.
    We accuse those who , rather than accusing the Secret Service of the Interior of supporting and stopping the non-persecution of NSU-terrorists, affirmed and strengthened it.
    We accuse those who took part in the proactive discrimination of young migrants after New Year’s Eve 2015, thereby urging on a public racist mindset.
    We accuse those who formed a racist motivated kettle for young migrant men on New Year’s Eve 2016, thereby handing the racist mob the exact same point of attack that is characteristic of investigations into the NSU: Treating migrants as potential criminals.
    We are leading this charge with due reason: The authorities of a country like ours, with its colonial and fascist past, have all reason and duty to prosecute the racist and unequal treatment of people in order to create and hold upright an atmosphere characterised by democracy and equality.”]

    [efitems title=”Indictment by Tayfun Keltek, Chair of the Integration Council Cologne” text=”I demand…
    that, in future, our first and fundamental focus should lie on what unites the people and citizens of this city and country rather than spot-lighting what separates us;
    that, in future, we do not blanket-read people with migratory backgrounds as migrants, refugees, Syrians, Poles or Turks, etc, and instead differentiate, read and see them as individuals;
    that, in future, we see the potentials of people with migratory backgrounds, further these potentials and use them to achieve the best for our society rather than seeing deficits and living a culture of real and imagined problems;
    that, in future, we focus more on standing in solidarity with, and are able to see, the perspectives of people with migratory backgrounds.”]

    [efitems title=”Indictment by the ‘Commission on Anti-racism / Amnesty International Germany'” text=”We indict, indeed condemn! … the repeated failure of authorities to identify and investigate evidence suggesting the racist background of the murder and attack series by the so-called NSU.
    We indict… the missing confrontation with facts when evidence clearly indicates the existence of institutional racism within the German prosecution authorities.
    We demand… a completely independent and public study of the investigations of the murder and attack series by the so-called NSU.
    We demand… independent complaint offices against police both on national and federal level.
    We request… that racial profiling stops to be part of police practices.
    We demand… that all those who have been entrusted with political responsibility realise the imperative to resolutely stand up against racist prejudices in state institutions and society as a whole. Racist-motivated violence is an urgent and genuine problem. It needs to be recognised and fought against as such.”]

    [efitems title=”Demand by Kemal Bozay, Professor for Educational Sciences in Dortmund” text=”More than five years have passed since the series of murders and bomb attacks by the extreme right-wing terror network “National socialist Underground” (NSU) was uncovered. During this time journalists, writers, investigative committees and anti-racist initiatives continued to examine the NSU-complex from various political perspectives. The NSU court case in Munich has so far lasted for four years and is still ongoing. After all of this time and work we know that the NSU was anything but an isolated group of three people. Rather, it was made up of a network of dozens of people who were or are active in various militant Neo-Nazi movements. We know that the NSU needs to be held accountable for at least fifteen coward murders across Germany, two bomb attacks in Cologne, an additional bomb and fifteen incidents of robbery.
    We are aware that racist and extreme right-wing terror in Germany did not establish itself in overnight. There were continuities, discontinuities and peaks throughout the post-war period. What we are focusing on is the racism and racist practices at the centre of society which presently provide a fertile breeding ground for right-wing populism and extremism. This is not least made evident by the daunting debates on refugees.
    What is true is that the promise given by Chancellor Angela Merkel to completely resolve the NSU-complex is nowhere near to being kept. How is it possible for a trio to commit all of these murders, bomb attacks and hold-ups over a period of 14 years while living in the underground without security services of the state being alerted? The further you go within the world of the NSU the more complex and confusing the backgrounds and links become and the dealings of the ‘deep state’ or ‘derin devlet’ are made apparent.
    The deep traces left by racist violence and right-wing terror at the hands of neo-Nazis is made equally apparent. Due to a mixture of ignorance, failure, trivialisation and covering-up by authorities, the judiciary and state apparatus, anger is joined by consternation on the fifth anniversary of uncovering the NSU-murders. We cannot overlook a break in trust with these institutions that has initiated all of society to start thinking. But what about anger and resistance?
    You had to look extremely hard for resistance and solidarity from within society as a whole when, a couple of years prior to the uncovering of the NSU, a couple of thousands of people – the majority of them migrants, entered the streets under the motto “No 10th victim”, calling to the national government to resolve the series of racist murders. What happened to the responsibility society could have taken as a whole?
    After more than five years of examining the NSU-complex we are in need of critical confrontation with racism and racist practices within this society more than ever before. We require a broad societal alliance which can assume responsibility, commemorates the victims of racist and extreme right-wing violence and organises part of the resistance against the racist and extreme right-wing consistencies.
    This is why I believe it is important to actively support the nationwide NSU-Tribunal that is being planned in Cologne from May 17th to 21st 2017, as to activate and become part of resistance from within society. The Tribunal will be a space where victims and those affected and hurt by racist violence, initiatives, alliances, groups of artists and youth organisations, a.o. receive a platform to critically examine the NSU-complex and racist consistencies. Together we want to set a sign for immediately resolving the NSU-complex.”]
    [efitems title=”Behshid Najafi, agisra e.V.- Köln” text=”
    Germany is a country of rule and law, it is a welfare state and democracy.
    It is frightening to see that in this state of democracy and rule of law, NSU-murders, accompanied by long-term ignorance and racism in politics, police and the judiciary are also part of this reality. This fact has shaken my trust in the German rule of law. The Federal Social Court of Germany in Kassel is a symbol and highest entity of the welfare state in Germany. It is not located very far from Halit-Platz, the public square named after Halit Yozgat, the ninth victim of the series of NSU-murders. A plaque commemorating the NSU-murders was set up in the square. It reads: ‘We are appalled and ashamed that, over years, the terrorist violence was not recognised as what it was: Murders committed out of contempt for mankind. At this point we say: Never again!’
    No racist murders ever again! Complete resolving of the NSU-complex and its crimes!”]
    [efitems title=”Indictment by Ayşe Güleç” text=”I indict! I indict the authorities of the investigative authorities who put the relatives of nver Şimşek, ­Abdurrahim Özüdoğru, Süleyman Taşköprü, Habil Kılıç, Mehmet Turgut, İsmail Yaşar, Theodoros Boulgarides, ­Mehmet Kubaşık und Halit Yozgat under pressure, accused and criminalised them over a period of years. To this day they work on masking the knowledge of the relatives of the victims and survivors of the bomb attacks, trying to keep it silent. The world of the investigators consisted of phantasms. For example, they used the photograph of a blond woman to prove the thought-up double-life of their murdered husbands to three widows. How did the photograph travel from one officer to the next?`How was the photograph passed on to formulate the exact same suspicion time and time again? The racist investigations were followed by racist reports in the media. I indict, as the pain I feel is great and the acts of those who enabled the NSU-complex cannot be forgotten.”]
    [efitems title=”Indictment by Ekaterina Degot, Artistic Director of the Academy of the Arts of the World” text=”J’ACCUSE
    Ekaterina Degot, Artistic Director of the Academy of the Arts of the World

    Over the last several years, at the Academy of the Arts of the World in Cologne we have been taking a stand against all kinds of racism, including the everyday kind, the acceptable kind, the multiculturalist kind. We are shocked and appalled by virulent racism, but also the allegedly “mild” institutionalized racism and ethnic prejudice – the kind which can ignore all evidence to the contrary and declare the victims of the Keupstrasse bombing to be suspects, for instance.
    We are also wary of overusing the discourse of “victimhood,” as it depoliticizes active social subjects and turns them into objects of racist hate or the no less racist progressive savior fantasy. Refugees and migrants are not mere objects of compassion: they are independent human beings and actors in the political field.
    We are against the dangerous delusion of monoethnicity in German society where foreigners are ignored or feared. We are also against the fetishization of “different” ethnic backgrounds and pointless and racist attention to country of origin, a phenomenon that is especially annoying and derailing to those of us in the fields of culture and media.
    We are against overtly racist exclusion of people of color; we are also opposed to the subtle marginalization of minorities and their underrepresentation. We are against exoticization and self-exoticization, narrow-minded identity politics, and stereotyping. People of color should not be automatically expected to address their identity or culture in their art; and whether they do or not should not be the focus of attention in appreciating or critiquing their work.
    We are opposed to the privilege and assumptions of cultural hegemony of so-called native Germans over migrants. We are also against tokenist “diversity” that is no more than a picturesque tableau for the same natives who retain their power and position. We refuse to satisfy the market-driven need for racial “variety” just for the sake of it.
    We fight anti-Semitism which is far from being dead. We are also against the discourse of a privileged victim and of an unspeakable crime, as this engenders further crime and further hate elsewhere.
    We condemn the soulless neoliberal globalization that flattens out differences. We are also against philistine, provincial complacency and lack of global perspective.
    We are against racism of all sorts.
    We are for internationalism and cross-ethnic, transracial solidarity that embraces the whole society and makes us stronger.”]
    [efitems title=”Indictment by Kutlu Yurtseven” text=”I indict! Every day I try to convince children and young people in school that it is important to be have a correct and respectful manner, to take responsibility for yourself and your surroundings, to show empathy and listen to others. The NSU-complex showed that all of what we try to teach our children is by no means obvious or taken for granted, but needs to be demanded again and again. The relatives of the NSU-victims were wounded by mocking reports in the media and racist conduct of authorities. The residents of Keupstraße new that they had been attacked by Nazis, but no one wanted to recognise this. Otherwise the terror series might have been resolved some time ago. But also later, at the court case on the NSU in Munich, no one took responsibility. The demands and charges of those affected and hurt, the families of the victims, were ignored. No attention was paid to them. Now we have the duty to take responsibility and stand at their side. The Tribunal is a place where we can demonstrate to children and young people that we demand and live our shared values of respect and sincerity. And the first step to accomplish that is: to listen.”]
    [efitems title=”Indictment by Doğan Akhanlı” text=”I indict because I am not certain wehther Germany is still the secure and safe country for migrants that it appeared to be. Until the point when the extreme right-wing terror cell NSU was uncovered I was convinced that there was no place for racism and nationalism in Germany. Didn’t the country examine its history in earnest? I believed that the gruesome atrocities of a few fascists were the barely effective left-overs of a spirit of destruction from NS-history. For me, reappraisal of the country’s past was not solely restricted to the engagement of a small group, but an event that was taking place throughout society. This process of change gave me hope and made it possible for me to identify with this new set of principles. The time after the NSU-terror-cell had been uncovered was terrible for me, as I saw the culture of commemoration erased completely. I was appalled when I found out that the state’s security authorities play their part in this complex. The past will not disappear. Reappraisal of NS-history is not completed. It is an ongoing process.”]
    [efitems title=”Indictment by Tribunal-spots.net” text=”We indict! The field of what is visible appears to be marked out: Media are reporting on the crimes of the NSU, with a biased focus on the perpetrators. Those who were targeted and continue to be affected by the NSU murders and attacks have been and continue to be faded out of focus. Instead, racist stereotypes are perpetuated. Within investigating authorities these are amplified through apathy and ignorance. We indict this field of what is visible, where structural and institutional racism serve the NSU-terror as accomplices. We want to break open this contracted and encrusted perspective. We want to question and shift it, to jolt, betray and sabotage it to start a broad debate within society that has been absent and missing until now. We are a society of many and demand to resolve the structures and conditions that enabled the existence of the NSU. We demand to do this together with those affected and hurt by the NSU, on the grounds of their knowledge and experiences.”]
    [efitems title=”Accusation by the editors collective ‘Despite Everything'” text=”Taking into consideration…
    that your
    murdering NSU-gang was able to
    roam the land ‘unrecognised’
    for eleven years despite the search warrants, that they were
    nurtured by your ‘Office for the Protection of the Constitution’…
    Taking into consideration
    that your politicians and guardians of order,
    from SPD-Shily,
    to those on the very far right, were
    never able to see any ‘political background’ behind the
    obviously racist murders…
    Taking into consideration
    that your media distributed racist lies about
    ‘Kebab’ and ‘criminal milieu-murders’
    Taking into consideration
    that you mocked the victims
    and tried everything to
    stamp their relatives as perpetrators
    Taking into consideration
    that the surviving victims and relatives named
    ‘Right-wingers’ and Nazis as perpetrators
    because they knew every-day racism
    Taking into consideration
    the the NSU-gang
    was only presented as perpetrators after
    the supposed suicide of
    the two NSU-killers
    Taking into consideration
    that the third friend in league was
    apparently searched for, but only
    turned herself in after
    a lot of the evidence had been
    ‘cleaned of traces of the fire’
    Taking into consideration
    that shortly after the ‘self-exposure of the NSU’
    shredding machines were running non-stop, destroying files and evidence
    Taking into consideration
    that informants willing to speak in front of court
    died curious deaths briefly before their hearing,
    whereas those testifying remain silent,
    or are lying
    Taking into consideration
    that in your courts,
    that supposedly strive for justice,
    a fascist murderess can make an appearance as if she
    were an offended diva
    while it’s Stammheim in other
    trials for the ‘protection of the state’
    Taking into consideration
    that the slogans and swearing, promising
    complete resolving and clarification of the crimes
    ended up empty shells of words,
    Taking into consideration
    the nine murders of migrants by the
    we have decided:
    to not expect anything
    from this state and its institutions!
    We mourn
    – the victims of the NSU and all victims of fascist, racist violence,
    – the inconceivable harm done to their families, relatives and friends.
    We stand in solidarity with the relatives and the victims who survived. We stand hand in hand, at their side.
    With all workers and oppressed of this society. Their wealth lies in their diversity.
    We mourn the fact that the majority of society, almost all left-wing organisations including us, did not hear the voices of the relatives in Kassel and Dortmund in 2006 and did not recognise the dimensions of the NSU.
    We accuse
    – the NSU-complex as a racist-fascist apparatus of the German state for the
    intimidation and expulsion of migrants in Gemrany:
    of murder
    – the Office for the Protection of the Constitution: of building up a fascist organisation, of accessory to murder, destruction of evidence
    – the middle-class politicians: of knowingly giving false testimony, covering-up the collaboration between state authorities and the NSU-network, denial of racist motives
    – the middle-class media: of racist-nationalist agitation against migrants
    We denounce
    – the German judiciary: because of its double standards and class-justice
    – silence within society
    – institutional and structural racism, growing fascism.
    All of those are instruments to separate us working people inTO ‘you’ and ‘us’ in ‘Germans’ and ‘the others’. Chains with which we are shackled to the system.
    They are all instruments to enforce imperialistic power interests. To keep the masses quiet on the inside and wage war on the outside as is being done in Afghanistan, in Syria. Ownership status, maintaining the wealth within a handfull of ruling individuals, waging wars over resources and spheres of influence, stirring up hatred within countries and among people and committing racist murders.
    Those are the pillars with which the exploitative society supports its rule! This is how the peaceful co-habitation of people in this country and on this planet is constantly being thwarted.
    In our single world of migration that has long since become a melting-pot of people from all continents in their variety and difference, with their peculiarities and things they have in common.
    We demand
    – actual democracy – something we can only realise by doing it ourselves
    – to break the silence! Victims, those affected and hurt by the NSU crimes stand at the centre. To root their names and stories within our collective memory. To respect their wishes for commemoration and places of remembrance!
    Moral and political recognition of their suffering. Financial compensation for the victims and their relatives.
    – Resolving the crimes and clarifying the circumstances surrounding the NSU-complex, with all consequences.
    – Resolving and reappraisal of all ‘unresolved’ racist murders
    – Prohibition of all fascist networks, and any racist-populist propaganda!
    – Racism and fascism are not opinions but crimes.
    – Perpetrators within institutions have names – prosecute them!
    These reforms are necessary changes to constituent aspects of the situation. We are aware that they won’t change anything in the big picture.
    Reforms, flowers on the chains … this is about revolutionising the fundamental principles of society.

    Taking into consideration all of this we formulate our call
    Let us turn our accusations, demands and mourning into a signal against this unjust, barbaric society, and for a society of many…
    A socialist society where the many, the oppressed, disenfranchised, ostracised, demeaned, and exploited can start a new, good life.
    A life that is as ‘Independent and free as a tree
    and as fraternal as a forest!’”]


  • Acknowledgments More

    The initiative ‘Unraveling the NSU Complex’ would not have been possible without the dedication and commitment of all the wonderful humans that have invested countless hours to keep the movement alive and rolling: planning; debating; performing; accounting; crowdfunding; financing; marketing; writing; filming; photographing; documenting; networking; supporting; remembering; researching; organising — and much more.

    A big THANK YOU goes out to every single one of you.

    Those affected and targeted by the NSU terrorism deserve a special mention — for their courage and strength to mourn, lament and demand together.